Human Rights Day: Register your activity for 10 December 2023

Are you planning to hold a march to celebrate Human Rights Day?­
A march is a great way to raise awareness of human rights and make your message heard. It is a great opportunity to get your group, organization, students, or community together and forward human rights in your city.­

Here are 6 tips to make it a success!

Choose your location. This could be somewhere significant in your city or a place where there are lots of people around who will see your message.

Find out if you need a permit. You can contact your local city office to get this information. It is best to apply for a permit weeks ahead of your march.

Announce your march. You can register on local news sites, post it on social media, and make an event page online. Get the word out that you are holding your march and make sure to let people know when and where it will be held, and how they can contact you to participate.

Confirm people to march with you. Contact like-minded human rights organizations, and community groups, and invite others to participate in the march.

Make sure you have all the materials needed for the march. This includes your United for Human Rights banner and booklets to distribute to people along the route. If you don’t have any, let us know urgently so we can place an order for you!

Assign someone to take photos and videos. Contact and confirm your photographer/videographer ahead of time so that you can get great shots and footage of your activity.

Register your activity and receive your Human Rights Day Digital Tool Kit to assist you in organizing your march. 

The Youth & United for Human Rights Team
Youth for Human Rights Campaign

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